Friday, November 4, 2011

Becoming a (French-speaking?) teacher

My new Cameroonian dress (or skirt+t-shirt)
Now it's two weeks since I started working, and I want to tell you about one of my working places and my experiences there (I know the pictures don't match the text, but I haven't taken any pictures at work yet. Therefore I just added some pictures); Today was my third time being a teacher at Centre Socio Ménanger, which is a "housewife school" (husmorskole). It's run by the church EELC (Eglise Evangelique Luthérienne au Cameroun), but most of the students are Muslims. There are 50 girls/women between 13-21 years old, attending the school. Even though they are so young, attending this school, is for many of them, their possibility not to have to go into an arranged marriage. In the school they learn how to sew and cook, they have sport and Bible classes and learn English and computer skills, in addition to other subjects. This is so that they get some education, that hopefully also will make them able to earn money by themselves when they have finished school. For example they can earn money by sewing.

At this school Johanne and me are responsible for the English and informatics/computer teaching. But since our students don't know any English, we have to speak in French...And for me, struggling with French, I can assure it is quite a challenge! In the first lesson I had I managed to mix the words to forget (oublier) and to remember (se rappeler) in French, so I ended up emphasizing that the students shoud try to forget what they had learnt to the next lesson, and then that I would check that they had forgotten it ;) Hehe... Fun to think of! 

"Makkala", which we ate yesterday. You can guess why there are so few left in the photo... ;-)

The two first times there Johanne and me have had the classes together. But now we have divided the classes between us, and I'm going to have the first year students. They are 20 girls between 13-18 years old, most of them are 15-16 years old. I'm going to work at Centre Socio Ménanger on Wednesdays and Fridays, teaching the first year students both English and computer skills. On beforehand, I have to admit, I was a little nervous because I'm not that good at speaking English, and I haven't got any experience in being a teacher. Therefore the first lessons, where I got to know the level of the students, were a relief to me. Then I figured that my students don't even know how to say: "My name is...", and they have never written on a computer before, so that's were I start. I hope I will manage to learn them some more during this year.

However, I was a little bit unsure about that, after having a lesson with the second and third year students. They have had English for at least one year. Despite of that it was really difficult for them to present themselves in English. That was even after I had written; "My name is....", "I am...years old", "I have...sisters and...brothers" and "I like to ...(sew)" on the blackboard, repeated it a lot of times and got them to repeat it after me...

Consert with the choir "Gospel Singers" last Saturday. Fun to watch them sing and dance!
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to continue with the teaching there! I'm actually glad they didn't know much English, because then I think I'm capable of teaching them, and I can start with the basics. I learnt the students the song "Head and shoulders", and I think it was very fun, because they really enjoy singing!

But the first lessons I had were very exhausting. The reason is that the students were not that quiet all the time. (And I don't like to be strict. But I have found out that I really have to train myself in that this year, as the students are used to the strict teaching style.)  That I had to think about all the French words and grammar I know, before making a sentence, also made it hard... In spite of the difficulties, being a teacher is much more fun that what I had expected! I love it! And I think I will learn a lot of French this way, as I have to prepare what to say before each lesson. I have to figure out how to teach them English and computer skills in French...

I also think it's so nice and fun that all the people here manage to say and remember my whole name. That's because Sara-Jeanette is a French name. In addition, they even pronounce it the same way as me, with the beautiful "skarre-r"! I think it's so lovely! And it's also quite fun when some of my students call me "Madame Sara-Jeanette"!
Visit from some friends in their school uniforms (they came to visit on their way home from school) :)

Today I had my first lesson alone with the first year students. After this lesson, I'm more optimistic about teaching. In the end of the lesson, the students actually managed to present themselves in English and count to 20! And the students were more quiet when they should be quiet, and active when they should be active. So I was very satisfied :) I think I got more respect from them this time, and I think I will adjust more and more into the role as a teacher after some time. 

Je me réjois à continuer être un professeur! Bonne soirée à tous!

In this time grasshoppers are everywhere, even on the tables in the finest restaurants...


  1. Det er så flott at du er så positiv og innstilt på å lære! Vi er nok mange som har mye å lære av din ydmyke innstilling, Sara-Jeanette. Og så gøy at de klarer å si navnet ditt HELT riktig.

  2. Tusen takk, Pernille! Ja, gøy at de klarer det..hehe...I engelsktalende land må jeg alltid bare kalle meg Sara, og uttale det på eng for at de skal klare det ;) hehe...Klem

  3. Jeg har tenkt mye på din utfordring som lærer siden jeg hørte om det , Sara-jeanette. Godt å høre at det ser ut til å fungere! Er sikker på at både elevene dine og du kommer til å lære mye dette året:) Høres hjemme kjært ut i forhold til navnet ditt, som blir uttalt så flott:)

  4. Det er veldig kjekt at du skriver slik at vi får et innblikk i hvordan du har det:). Det gleder meg også mye å høre at du trives så godt. Jeg synes du er veldig tøff som tar utfordringen med å være lærer. Det blir enda mer imponerende når de ikke forstår engelsk og du "strever" litt med fransken. Jeg er helt enig med deg og Vera at både elevene og du kommer til å lære mye. Klem fra onkel Johnny

  5. Tusen takk, onkel Johnny!
    Ja, det er vanskelig med fransken, strever nok mer enn bare "litt"...Men det går bedre og bedre. Lærer mye av å prøve og feile..Har akkurat kommet tilbake fra skolen nå etter å ha undervist i engelsk og data, og merker at det går fremover med elevene også. De kan litt mer nå, så det er gøy! Nå klarer de å spørre og svare på de enkle spm. om hva de heter, hvor gamle de er osv., telle til 20 og kunne noen kroppsdeler (har jo øvd på "Head and shoulder"-sangen). Syns det er veldig gøy! :)

  6. Det er så spennende å lese denne siden. Du tar det så fint og er så grunnleggende positiv og optimistisk at jeg blir glad av å lese det du skriver. Er
    stadig innom siden og blir utålmodig om det blir stille en stund. Det blir godt om vi har med deg, om vi skulle dratt til et Fransktalende land sammen etter dette. Din positive livsholdning tror jeg må være en stor inspirasjon for alle som møter deg der nede. Håper vi får til å møtes det nede. Hilsen pappa

  7. Så flott du er i ditt nye Kamerunske antrekk! Selv om det virker ganske vrient når elevene kan fransk og nesten ikke engelsk og du kan engelsk, men foreløpig lite fransk, så virker det som om du har funnet "nøkkelen" til fremgang. Jeg tenker at en humoristisk vinkling er viktig og det viser du i stort monn, ikke minst på egne vegne med ombytting av huske og glemme. Festlig å følge deg, gleder meg til neste rapport. Bonne nuit fra mormor <3

  8. Pappa: Så hyggelig at du liker så godt å lese bloggen, og at du har lært deg å skrive kommentar nå! Ja, etter oppholdet her, kan jeg nok klare å gjøre med fortstått på fransk :) Veldig koselig om dere kommer på besøk!! Dere får se hva dere får til...Klem <3

    Mormor: Tusen takk! Veldig hyggelig at dere syns det er så gøy å lese :) Og veldig koselig å få kommentarer fra deg!
