The 11th of February the "Fête de la Jeunesse" is celebrated in Cameroon. It is a day for the children and youths, when the pupils and students in schools in Cameroon march in a procession. This year we were a part of this celebration in Ngaoundéré. It reminded me a lot of the celebration the 17th of May in Norway! The march took place at "Place de l'Independance", the independence place in Ngaoundéré, where all big feasts use to be held. Ten thousands of people had met up! In the procession were also orchestras and dancers. Even though the marching route was quite short (less than 10 min.), the number of students in the procession was very, very big! On the tribune sat the "Lamido" (the traditional king and Muslim leader), the Governor and other important people in the region.
Johanne and me were part of this march as teachers at Centre Socio Ménager. All of us teachers had got clothes sewn with the same fabric, and so had the students. They had sewn their dresses themselves! Most school classes dressed in their uniforms, and it was nice to watch the children march in uniforms in different colours, singing songs about "Here come the young ones..." (in French)!
When we marched and approached the tribune with the important people, we stretched one arm towards them in respect while we passed them.
Here are some pictures from the big day:

When we marched and approached the tribune with the important people, we stretched one arm towards them in respect while we passed them.
Here are some pictures from the big day:

That was last week-end.. This week-end we are ready for travelling again! Tomorrow morning we are travelling to Maroua, north in Cameroon together with the other Norwegians here. We are leaving at 8 o'clock, and expect to arrive at a hotel there at 17 o'clock, so it's quite a long drive! We return Sunday, for a missionary meeting on Monday. Then I get visit from Noway, from Pernille and Julie Tuesday or Wednesday! I'm really looking forward to that :D
Wish you all a good week-end!!