Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Welcome to my blog!

Now I've stayed here at Hald Internasjonale Senter for two weeks. I've had a really nice time here, and I've learnt a lot. In one month I'm travelling to Cameroon with Johanne, and I want to blog about my stay and experiences there. We are going to stay in Ngaoundéré, Cameroon (west of Central-Africa), for six months, and I think I'll learn a lot during my time there. I'm really looking forward to go!


  1. Høres flott ut dette Sara-Jeanette! Gleder meg til å følge deg og bloggen din:)

  2. C'est chouette pouvoir lire ton blog sur ton séjour au Cameroun comme tu a lu le mien l'année passée! Bonne chance, mon amie, je prie pour toi et Johanne. Soyez bénises!
    (så du får litt trening før du drar, tenkte jeg... ;-) Glad i deg!)
