As I've written before the classes here are very big, maybe around 70 persons in each class. So when several classes were going to sing together at this consert, they had to sit together before singing, so that they could just rise when they were going to sing (and did not go to the scene).
At this little scene Runar, Johanne, me and 4 Cameroonians played this scetch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSwCOs-uXzU. It was really fun, and it was easy to hear that the others thought it was very fun that nascara (white people) were performing, exspesially when we started "fighting" on the scene. But in the end I think they understood the point of the scetch, because when God thrown away all of us (who representated different tempetetions), there were a lot of applausing :D Thursday we played this scetch again, this time in the Millenium church.
A sad thing that happened two weeks ago was that the big marked here exploded and burnt. Around one o'clock in night there were some people that lightened a fire in a place where there's gas, so there was a big explosion. I could here it here in my house, it sounded like a bomb. The day after I got to know that the marked had burnt down. Later when we went to the marked we saw the place that had exploded. It was black and ashes all over, and houses of wall and stands (where a lot of people are selling stuff) were just totally gone.
Last Sunday I performed on the Christmas consert with Gospel Singers. It was held for children in different orphanages, and it was fun sing and dance with the choir, even though we also have to hear some some speeches of the leader about people coming to late... (that's becoming a habite now). I even
got a coin on my forehead, from one person among the audience! After one week with practising with the choir almost every day, I think I deserved that ;)
Monday we had a Christmas party with the choir. When us Norwegians met up a quarter too late, we thought that would fit well with "African time". The leadersin the choir are particular very strict about meeting at the exact time, at least they talk a lot about it... But of course we were the first ones showing up. So after having waiting a while without more people showing up, Johanne and me decided to explore the big fire we saw just outside the mission station. And as we got close we found out that it really was a big fire! But it's normal here, because in this way they remove dry grass and trees.
Tuesday we went to another Christmas party, this time at the Direction Central in the church. They had been smart enough to tell us that it started at 18 o'clock, even though we found out that it was actually written 16:30 in the invitation...But 18 o'clock turned out to be the right starting time.. ;) This is Africa!
Yesterday we were in the service in the Hospital church from 8:30-12 o'clock! Then we had to sit behind the preacher, facing the congrigation. It was a little special, but it's something they do here to show us respect...I don't like it. Then we, "the Norwegian choir(!)" performed by singing and dancing to "Å, jul med din glede"!
Now I'm ready for one week on the beach in Kribi, south in Cameroon. All of us Norwegians here are going to stay there until the 3rd of January. We're leaving by train at 18 o'clock this evening, and arrive there tomorrow morning. This is going to be a new way for me to spend the Christmas time, but I think I'm going to really enjoy it! With the new sunglasses and African dress I got for Christmas, I feel ready. I'm finiched packing, and just want to publish this update before leaving. After Kribi Johanne and me are travelling by airplane from the capital Yaouné to Nairobi, Kenya. We're going to stay there from the 3rd to the 10th of January, meeting the other Norwegian Hald students in the Connect program, who have their pracsis on Madagascar, and we're also going to meet some of our teachers, coming all the way from Norway! I think it's going to be nice meet all of them again, talking about experiences and preparing for our last 3 months here in Camroon. I'm ready to travel!
I wish you all a good Christmas time, and a fantastic new year!